United States Georgia 

Podcast With Armando Ortega

 interview #1 with Armando Ortega: A Journey from Childhood Curiosity to Building the Future 


**Marcela Peña**: Armando, ¿puedes contarnos sobre tu infancia y cómo influyó en tu perspectiva sobre la seguridad?   

*Armando, can you tell us about your childhood and how it influenced your perspective on safety?* 


**Armando Ortega**: Growing up in Puerto Rico as the youngest of five, I had a unique blend of freedom and responsibility. My experiences with my father’s Magnum 357 taught me early on about the seriousness of safety and the importance of understanding and respecting what could provide protection. This early lesson profoundly shaped my views on safety and responsibility throughout my life. 


**Marcela Peña**: ¿Cómo fue esa experiencia de manejar algo tan poderoso a una edad tan temprana?   

*What was it like handling something so powerful at such a young age?* 


**Armando Ortega**: It was a mix of curiosity and immense respect. I knew the gun was not a toy; it was a serious matter. My sister and I were cautious, and I learned to always verify its safety. That experience taught me the importance of caution, responsibility, and the real implications of handling something so potent. 


**Marcela Peña**: ¿Cómo conectas esos recuerdos de la infancia con tu visión actual de construir casas seguras y sostenibles?   

*How do you connect those childhood memories with your current vision of building safe and sustainable homes?*  

**Armando Ortega**: Those childhood lessons were all about protection and understanding the power of what’s in your hands. Today, I apply those principles to building homes. I see each house as a sanctuary of safety, much like the protection the gun symbolized. My aim Is to build homes that embody truth, provide a secure way of living, and enhance the life of the inhabitants, all rooted in the lessons of my youth. 


**Marcela Peña**: Finalmente, ¿qué mensaje te gustaría compartir con aquellos que buscan construir un futuro más seguro para sus familias?   

*Finally, what message would you like to share with those looking to build a safer future for their families?* 


**Armando Ortega**: Understand the responsibility of what you’re creating or handling, whether it’s a gun or a home. Safety, respect, and responsibility are key. Build not just houses but homes that are strongholds of safety and joy. Let the lessons of the past inform the foundations of the future. That’s how we create a world where everyone feels protected and at peace. 


**Marcela Peña**: Muchas gracias por compartir tu historia con nosotros, Armando.   

*Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Armando.* 


**Armando Ortega**: It’s my pleasure, Marcela. Thank you for having me. 


### Interview #2 with Armando Ortega: Building a Unified Future of Safety and Understanding 


**Marcela Peña**: Armando, ¿cómo crees que tu historia de infancia con las armas se relaciona con personas de diferentes perspectivas, incluyendo aquellos que pueden no estar de acuerdo con el Segundo Enmienda?   

*Armando, how do you think your childhood story with guns relates to people from different perspectives, including those who might disagree with the Second Amendment?* 


**Armando Ortega**: I believe the core of my story is about understanding the gravity of responsibility and the universal desire for protection and safety. Regardless of one’s stance on the Second Amendment, the lessons I learned are about respect, caution, and the importance of safeguarding our loved ones. These are values that resonate with everyone – parents, singles, and even those with differing views. 


**Marcela Peña**: En tu opinión, ¿cómo podemos construir un diálogo constructivo sobre la seguridad en nuestros hogares y comunidades?   

*In your opinion, how can we build constructive dialogue about safety in our homes and communities?* 


**Armando Ortega**: Constructive dialogue starts with shared values. We all want safe communities, schools, and homes. By focusing on common goals like the well-being of our families and the protection of our homes, we can find common ground and work towards solutions that respect diverse viewpoints while enhancing safety for everyone. 


**Marcela Peña**: ¿Qué elementos consideras fundamentales para que una casa sea segura, más allá de las perspectivas sobre las armas?   

*What elements do you consider fundamental for a home to be safe, beyond perspectives on firearms?* 


**Armando Ortega**: Beyond the issue of firearms, a safe home is built on strong structural integrity, smart design, and emergency preparedness. It includes secure locks, fire safety measures, and spaces that foster community and vigilance. Education on safety practices and community engagement are also crucial. It’s about creating an environment where every family member feels secure and prepared. 


**Marcela Peña**: ¿Cómo abordas las preocupaciones de seguridad en tu trabajo actual construyendo casas para el futuro?   

*How do you address safety concerns in your current work building homes for the future?* 


**Armando Ortega**: In building homes for the future, I focus on integrating technology and design for safety, energy efficiency, and sustainability. This includes materials that are more resistant to natural disasters, layouts that promote community watchfulness, and incorporating smart tech for real-time alerts and responses. My approach is holistic, considering physical, environmental, and community aspects of safety. 


**Marcela Peña**: Un mensaje para todas las familias, independientemente de sus creencias sobre la seguridad personal y las armas.   

*A message for all families, regardless of their beliefs about personal safety and firearms.* 


**Armando Ortega**: To all families, I say: Let’s unite in our common desire for a safe and prosperous future. Let’s dialogue, learn from each other, and build communities where every person, every child, feels secure and valued. It’s not about one right way but about coming together to create environments of mutual respect and care. Safety is a collective effort, and together, we can build a world that cherishes and protects every individual. 


**Marcela Peña**: Gracias, Armando, por compartir tus reflexiones y esperanzas para un futuro más seguro.   

*Thank you, Armando, for sharing your reflections and hopes for a safer future.* 


**Armando Ortega**: Thank you, Marcela. It’s a conversation that’s important for all of us, and I’m glad to be a part of it.